Red Band is a new age digital media agency that focuses on the automotive, travel, technology & gaming industry. Our passion is driven by being part of the communities that drive these markets not only from a reporting perspective but also from involvement in our parts.


We work with a range of incredible content creators to provide premium content that best reflects our reporting in an impactful way. We have our digital reviews that are made available through our website, but also make use of current digital platforms to get our communication out to the broader audience.


Whether it is Facebook, TikTok, Instagram or the ever so notorious child, Twitter, we make the best of the media’s platforms to get our news & reviews out to a broader audience. We update our feeds regularly to make sure that our audience is engaged with our latest content.

If you have an interest in sports, technology, travelling and motoring, with a slight hint of sarcasm, then this might be the place for you.

If you would wish for us to contact you then please contact us by email on, alternatively you can use the contact form on the contact page. I look forward to hearing from you.

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